Con la perspectiva de sumar una Mac a mi hogar limpio el hard disk un poco todos los días antes de hacer la mudanza. Voy abriendo carpetas y en una que dice MY STUFF bajo Miscelanea encuentro una carta de mamá que debe tener seguro más de 4 años. Me doy cuenta por el tono. Me acuerdo lo que nos estaba pasando. Me acuerdo de lo necia que fui, de lo adorablemente dura que fue conmigo. Y nunca me voy a cansar de escuchar sus graciosas e innecesarias disculpas por su ausencia de "maternal drive".
Dear C,
It appears to me that lately a couple of ugly issues have been raising their heads between us that I believe have no need to be there. We have both worked too hard with amends, forgiving and trying to forget what is useless from the past for our relationship to be affected by practical matters.
As to the other issues of a more psychological nature, I can only say that I could not pass on what I probably did not receive myself, but as from the moment the light was made in my life and I became aware of what it meant and means to be a mother, I have not ceased in my endeavours – right or wrong – to give you all the love and support I am capable of giving. There is no doubt that your children, when you have them will be the apple of my eye, and I will probably surprise everybody by being a devoted grandmother, but you will remain for as long as I live my main concern. You are my child, whatever happened to us was probably unavoidable. If there is a reason for me to be on earth today, it is to see you and myself through ‘the slings and arrows....’ There is also the matter of seeing my mother through or I should say out, too, whether I like it or not.
However, there are very definite limits to what I can do, and both you and I stand alone on either side of those limits. On the other hand, you are one of the best-loved people I know, so use the support of everybody you can by listening to those that wish you well. You deserve it, you are loyal and supportive yourself.
Today, these are the only gifts I can offer, but they are not to be overlooked because they bring not only my love for you but also for myself, and as you know that has been and is a hard battle to fight and perhaps to win one day.
Any suggestions?
With all my love, Ma
Dear C,
It appears to me that lately a couple of ugly issues have been raising their heads between us that I believe have no need to be there. We have both worked too hard with amends, forgiving and trying to forget what is useless from the past for our relationship to be affected by practical matters.
As to the other issues of a more psychological nature, I can only say that I could not pass on what I probably did not receive myself, but as from the moment the light was made in my life and I became aware of what it meant and means to be a mother, I have not ceased in my endeavours – right or wrong – to give you all the love and support I am capable of giving. There is no doubt that your children, when you have them will be the apple of my eye, and I will probably surprise everybody by being a devoted grandmother, but you will remain for as long as I live my main concern. You are my child, whatever happened to us was probably unavoidable. If there is a reason for me to be on earth today, it is to see you and myself through ‘the slings and arrows....’ There is also the matter of seeing my mother through or I should say out, too, whether I like it or not.
However, there are very definite limits to what I can do, and both you and I stand alone on either side of those limits. On the other hand, you are one of the best-loved people I know, so use the support of everybody you can by listening to those that wish you well. You deserve it, you are loyal and supportive yourself.
Today, these are the only gifts I can offer, but they are not to be overlooked because they bring not only my love for you but also for myself, and as you know that has been and is a hard battle to fight and perhaps to win one day.
Any suggestions?
With all my love, Ma
Uy, mi carpeta se llama "My own stuff".
Y tiene las siguientes sub-folders: curriculum, la novela, lingüística, mailsrescatados, la uba, saqui, textos cautivos, gutemberg, hughs, journalismo, subsidium, mails new, otros textos, poems, tales, textitos, verboten, bulshit, visions of lauri, música, kill me, translationen, smartass y cabum.
y por que te escribe en ingles?
My OWN stuff_ casi casi coltrane...
xup, escribe en ingles esas cosas que nos cuesta decirnos en ingles. es como mas diplomatico...eso creemos al menos.
coltrane, en cuál de todas esas carpetas guardás el porno?
No, soy un adicto recuperado. Ya hace 41 días que no consumo porno.
hacete una carpeta "recaída" urgente.
muy bueno lo de recaida, Patton
no me lo peleen a coltrane che. pero coltrane, dígame, qué contenidos tienen *smartass* y *cabum*?
En smartass guardo los comments de Patton.
Cabum me lo reservo.
jaaaaaaaaaaaaa. touché debería decir patton. u rock coltrane!
ah, coltrane, yo sólo guardo cosas importantes.
charlotte, no lo estaba peleando.
ok, general. discúlpeme entonces.
Perdón, no lo pude resistir.
Me dejé llevar por la insidia de Charlotte.
Sabía que no había mala entraña en Patton.
Mi amigo Eliot diría:
"tedious argument of insidious intent".
las intenciones insidiosas de charlotte???? ahora soy yo la de la mala entraña...ah no eh!
Error número uno: leer a ese borracho misógino, sádico, áspero y conservador.
Error número dos: citarlo como si se trataran de epigramas mágicos.
ok, you win.
no se peleen. yo gano.
smartass, patton.
Ya terminen con esa locura. Hay un post nuevo.
nos vamos para arriba. todos! ud también patton. desalojen ya!
vayan ustedes. después los alcanzo.
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just beatiful flow between the both of you!
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